The Earth's energy and magnetic fields display the same properties. We know that the iron making up the Earth's core is at a temperature close to melting-point and under tremendous pressure is densely "packed" into crystalline hexagons, hence the resonance with the
hexagonal (six-faceted) structure of the quartz.
It is no coincidence that as water comes up to its boiling point hexagonal bulges appear on its surface. Those are characteristics of the Earth's energy fields.
Thus, in view of the structural characteristics of quartz, water and the Earth's energy fields to effectively synchronize the human energy system with that of the Earth the ancients used wands containing hexagonal crystals.
"Wands of Horus" MONO-6 with six-faceted crystals inside are intended for people with an intensive lifestyle accompanied by stresses and large workloads.
Like the "Wands of Horus" QUARTZ this type of wands has a pronounced tonic effect on the energy, vascular, nervous, endocrine and immune systems, improving their condition, raising the overall tone of the organism and increasing efficiency. It is important to stress that the "Wands of Horus" are the oldest and most effective means of preventing cancer and strengthening the immune system.
Any type of the "Wands of Horus" with a quartz filling normalizes blood pressure in hypotension and also in non-chronic forms of hypertension, restoring it to the normal level determined by the organism itself.
"Wands of Horus" MONO and MONO-6 with large quartz crystals are very effective in: