The heart activity is characterized by the periodic alternation of the two opposite states of the myocardium: tense (systolic) and relaxed (diastolic). A harmonious heart activity is connected with a certain "setting" of these opposites within the cardiac cycle.
It is known that in human heart rate the duration of the systole, diastole and the overall cardiac cycle relate to each other in the proportion of the "golden section".
This "golden" frequency is practically equal to the cardiac rhythm of healthy, physically active organisms when at rest. The "golden regime" of blood-supply to the entire organism (and the heart itself in particular) is the most economical in comparison with other regimes that correspond to different levels of physical activity.
The quartz monocrystals in the "Wands of Horus" CRYSTAL are selected and prepared in a special "golden proportion" such that their frequency influences that of the contractions of the heart muscle, bringing the heartbeat to the "golden regime".
As a result, the regime of blood-supply to the entire organism (and of the heart itself) becomes the most economical and the contractions rhythmical, preserving the energy resources of the heart. "Wands of Horus" CRYSTAL are therefore very helpful for correcting problems related to arrhythmia.